Traveling to rural places makes me calm

After I stayed at my parent's house for 5 weeks, I head to the next place. Before I go back to Tokyo where my company is located, I decided to travel around Japan alone without my partner. It's past 4 years since I traveled the world alone as a backpacker last time.

In Tokyo life, I am surrounded by buildings and noise and people and so forth. Tokyo is a busy city. I sometimes forget who I am. Now, I am in one rural place. There is no sound around here, very calm. Although the internet connection is so bad, I feel happy and comfortable.

Rural places are very nice regarding the environment so it is a good time to detox. Today is the first day. I will spend two weeks more traveling to other rural places. I would like to take time to ask myself what I want to do in my future then go back to Tokyo with a fresh feeling.

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Hi there! I'm Taka. I'm Japanese and living in Japan. I would like to emigrate to New Zealand in 7 years with my foreign partner because I have the experience that Kiwi helped and saved me when I had a serious accident there in 2017. In this blog, I write the process of my life until I emigrate to NZ or more. I work as IT Engineer(Server-side Engineer) and Blogger. Super welcome to contact me, anyone:) Nice to meet you. #Overseas-Emigration #Adress-Hopper

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