I started online English conversation

I have been studying English for roughly one year so far since COVID-19 spread out the world. Moreover, I took up online English pronunciation courses 9 months ago and I have kept doing this. Although I have been practicing pronunciation every single day, I did not feel that my speaking skill itself was dramatically improved.One of the reasons would be that I have not taken many opportunities to use or speak English.

I also thought several times that I should have started to have some online conversations in my day-life. I know I should have started, but I have not been able to. This is exactly Human's life. We know the best way but we can not take something up. No matter how it is small thing, the first step would be the most difficult to get through.

One day, I was thinking about things like the above and searching some online English conversation services. I was not supposed to take these courses. However, I found one service which was discounted to maximum 45%. It attracted me so much then I talked about it to my partner and she was also impressed with it. Finally WE started it together. It was 45% discount so it cost almost only one person fee for two people.

People might be able to take actions if something gives us opportunities. I am looking forward to seeing the future.

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Hi there! I'm Taka. I'm Japanese and living in Japan. I would like to emigrate to New Zealand in 7 years with my foreign partner because I have the experience that Kiwi helped and saved me when I had a serious accident there in 2017. In this blog, I write the process of my life until I emigrate to NZ or more. I work as IT Engineer(Server-side Engineer) and Blogger. Super welcome to contact me, anyone:) Nice to meet you. #Overseas-Emigration #Adress-Hopper

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