The importance of the weather in our life

Today's topic is the weather, especially how important it is in our life.

The article I read is the bellow but I will not talk about the event in this time.

In this article, it is written about the historic wild weather in Canterbury, one of the regions in New Zealand, bracing for rain deluge.

The forecast said that it would be a significant heavy rainfall event for the whole of Canterbury.

I do not know about the kind of this disaster so I will check them later.

Instead of that, I have been thinking about the relation between the weather and our life.

How the weather affects our life

It is obvious that the wonderful weather such as no could sunny has a great influence on our feeling. For some people working on an agriculture industry, the rainy days might be the perfect weather though.

Whatever the weather type is, people feel great on a good weather day for each of them. I need not talk about it. The problem is our feeling on the bad weather day...

The rain day discouraged me. When it was rainy in the morning, I would not have had much motivation for working. Even though the day before was done perfectly.

How about you? How do you encourage yourself?

I am just finding a method which keeps my motivation whatever the weather will be. One solution (I am not sure yet) might be to follow your own morning routine.

For instance, I wake up at around 7:30 on weekdays and go straight to a toilet and brush my teeth then eat breakfast (only rice) while dripping coffee. After things done for starting to work, I go for a walk 3,000 to 5,000 steps. I take a shower after walk then I finally take my tasks.

I have been following this life style for 6 months so far even in rainy days. I think the weather does not affect me so much now. My brain and body are accustomed with the whole routine so I can switch to the concentration mode easily.

Thanks to my routine, I do not have time to care about the weather.

The rainy season is coming to Japan so it is a perfect period to check whether it really works for me, or the routine has been just a self relief. (It may be ok anyway even though it is just a self relief.)

How about in your case?

I would like to hear your morning routine.

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Hi there! I'm Taka. I'm Japanese and living in Japan. I would like to emigrate to New Zealand in 7 years with my foreign partner because I have the experience that Kiwi helped and saved me when I had a serious accident there in 2017. In this blog, I write the process of my life until I emigrate to NZ or more. I work as IT Engineer(Server-side Engineer) and Blogger. Super welcome to contact me, anyone:) Nice to meet you. #Overseas-Emigration #Adress-Hopper

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