How many Japanese have got the Covid-19 vaccination so far?

Today's topic is the Covid-19 Vaccination. Did you get vaccinated, the Covid-19?

I heard that the Covid-19 vaccine made in Pfizer would be better than ones made in other companies regarding the safety and the less possibility of side effects.

In Japan, the government HP refers to Pfizer's Covid-19 vaccination.

I'm touching upon Pfizer a little bit then mentioning the current situation to vaccination in Japan.

I read this news this time.

Pfizer, one of the companies developing the Covid-19 vaccine, has been making profit recently after the vaccine's effectiveness approved in all over the world.

Although I have never thought about the way to develop vaccine itself, I wonder where development costs comes from. Of course, it is not volunteering so the money comes from somewhere. One of the origins would be investors. However, to develop the safety vaccine must be difficult because no one can anticipate the side effects. That is why it can not be helped that the development costs are just consumed and investors hesitate to put money sometimes.

For the vaccine developing companies, the only option of getting more money could be to prove the vaccine's safety and effectiveness. The more they get attentions, the more money would be collected for the developing budget.

Pfizer seems to have proved these so it has became a top Covid-19 vaccine developing company apparently.

In Japan, it has been said that the Covid-19 vaccine comes soon but actually still not.

The only 2.4% of total population have got shots once, and the only 0.9% in these 2.4% were fully vaccinated. They are the people who have underlying diseases and very elder such as over 65-year-old and doctors and nurses. However, it is not altogether that they all are vaccinated.

I am not sure when other people can get injections but it would be after July or more. How can we held the 2020 Tokyo Olympic/Paralympic games in this situation.

I hope everyone in the world gets vaccinated soon and the peace is coming.

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Hi there! I'm Taka. I'm Japanese and living in Japan. I would like to emigrate to New Zealand in 7 years with my foreign partner because I have the experience that Kiwi helped and saved me when I had a serious accident there in 2017. In this blog, I write the process of my life until I emigrate to NZ or more. I work as IT Engineer(Server-side Engineer) and Blogger. Super welcome to contact me, anyone:) Nice to meet you. #Overseas-Emigration #Adress-Hopper

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