About the People's Mental Health in New Zealand in March 2021

I read an article about people's recent mental health in New Zealand.

After reading this article, now, I am actually shocking for this situation because I have believed that New Zealand had dealt with the COVID-19 on all aspects and most of people got back their previous lives.

About The Article

According to this article, New Zealand, which is thought to be one of the countries to have made a success of Covid-19 elimination strategy, would have many people grappling with toll on jobs, metal health.

Some are showing signs of recovery, other are not. This is typically a "K-Shaped" recovery.

Roughly 1100 people answered to one survey and it showed that one in three lost their income. Later, 12% of them filed for benefits and 11% of them lost their job.

Although the proportion of population has sharply reduced from 33% to 20%, there are still some people struggling with this situation.

Regarding mental health, the main topic today, I found one graph from the article. The bellow is a quote from there.

"About half of New Zealanders say they continue to face mental health issues such as having trouble sleeping and 40 per cent continue to say they feel depressed in both July 2020 and March 2021 surveys."

Source / Massey University

Among young people specifically, around half of them are facing mental health issues, such as sleeping impediment and depression.

Although I do not altogether believe this result, there are actually some young adults struggling with it. It would be true based on the fact that New Zealand has the highest youth suicide rate in the world.


How about young people's mental health in Japan?

Here, I thought about the Japanese young adults mental health.

It is MY PERSONAL opinion. Do not believe it 100%.

Japan has also high youth suicide rate in the world like New Zealand.

Unfortunately, we shouldn't turn away from the fact that the number of people in all generations, especially women, who committed suicide increased around 1,000 in 2020 compared to the previous year. So this situation affected youth in at least a small way.

However, I haven't heard and couldn't find any news focusing on just youth, even on Twitter or other SNS. Although there would be some people who have sleeping impediment and depression, I don't think the proportion of them is half.

This would be because Japanese are said that they have the strong sense of belonging so that each person believes they are not only people struggling with this situation.

At the End...

I checked other country's economic and so on this time. The number of people who were laid off are more than 100,000 in Japan.

I hope everyone feels at ease soon.

The most interesting thing is, in all countries, people are criticizing the government. There would be no perfect country .

Vocabularies and Phrases

grappling with: to try to deal with or understand a difficult problem or subject:

toll: sufferingdeaths, or damage:

filed for: to make an official request for something such as divorce or bankruptcy

propotion: the number or amount of a group or part of something when compared to the whole

benefit; the money given by the government to people who need financial help, for example because they cannot find a job:

compound: to make a problem or difficult situation worse

credibility: the fact that someone can be believed or trusted: trustworthy

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Hi there! I'm Taka. I'm Japanese and living in Japan. I would like to emigrate to New Zealand in 7 years with my foreign partner because I have the experience that Kiwi helped and saved me when I had a serious accident there in 2017. In this blog, I write the process of my life until I emigrate to NZ or more. I work as IT Engineer(Server-side Engineer) and Blogger. Super welcome to contact me, anyone:) Nice to meet you. #Overseas-Emigration #Adress-Hopper

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